Hi from snowy Tulsa. My 8 year old is wishing for another snow day and at the moment, I'm about 50/50 at the possibility. The roads outside the neighborhood are clear, but the neighborhoods are pretty icy. This has given me plenty opportunity to think about how THE PLAN is taking shape for 2010.
Health: Lose the last 15 pregnancy pounds. So far, that is not happening for me. In fact, I've gained 2 pounds. For February, I'm going to increase the intensity of my workouts and really focus on my fruit/vegetable intake for the day. I'm also going to cut out unnecessarycarbs/sweets and see if that helps the number on the scale. By workouts, I'm going to work my way up to running a 10 minute mile non-stop and continue with interval sets of abs and arm work.
- A co-worker returns February 4th and I'm going to focus this month on remaining positive and secure in my other relationships that I've built while she was gone.
- Money-wise, my goal was to keep my credit card statement under $1000. Although that did not happen (read: snow/ice storm and poor planning) I'm going to work on that for the month of February.
- Knitting-wise, my goal is to knit a pair of socks per month, which I did thank you very much. I'm already planning some February socks and here are January's:
On the marriage side, I'm going to find a place to wear those sexy-mama shoes I bought at Ross a few weeks ago. Aren't these full of the AWESOME?
My knitting friends say I need to just wear the shoes and that's all...something to consider...
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